Photo Writing

Photo by: Eberhard Grossgasteiger

That was the day the world changed. The day the moon disappeared. and never came back. With the water levels not being changed by the moon, the natural disasters soon came.  With the sudden hurricanes hitting every single coast unrelenting and harder then ever before. After the water hit the coasts and flooded every major coastal city, the few who survived had to take refuge in places they’ve never lived in before. No one knew the hurricanes were coming, as you can only really tell the moons gone at night. With no one who knew, there was no one to warn anyone. The hurricanes were unrelenting, and lasted days on end. Everyone was killed, there was very few people who lived, but only because they lived so far from the coast. After a couple of years of people finally setting up their new lives, making new sky high cities with building made of more secure materials, just in case of another strange unforeseen disaster. Many people took it as an act of god, making new religions, and updating the others making people try even harder in their efforts to get into heaven. But after decades of setting up, the new modern world finally reached out to their neighbors across the even bigger oceans. Everyone has been affected, but no-one more then Africa. Instead of Africa being a barren wasteland of desert, it had now become a lush, green, massive jungle thriving with new previously undiscovered life forms. Places like Madagascar, Cuba, Australia are now gone, everyone there died and the entire continents are submerged. But then out of no where, it returned. The moon, the moon is back, and all water soon retreated back to where it used to. But no body moved back, everyone stayed in fear of the water returning. Places like australia became places to send death row prisoners and abandon, while Africa soon started to decay and revert back to a massive desert.

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